Assembly Source File
477 lines
TITLE TEST_CPU - Determine Intel Microprocessor Type
; AUTHOR: Dan Wronski
; DATE: 12/02/94
; VERSION: 1.0
; LANGUAGE: Turbo/MASM Assembly
; DESCRIPTION: Determine Intel microprocessor type while running in
; 8086 Real Address Mode or Virtual 8086 Mode.
; COPYRIGHT: (C) Dan Wronski 1994
; 12/02/94 - DMW - Created
.MODEL small
.STACK 100h
FLAG_ID_MASK equ 200000h
FLAG_AC_MASK equ 40000h
FLAG_NT_MASK equ 4000h
db 0Fh ; New Pentium CPUID instruction
db 0A2h
Convert_Hex MACRO
and al,0Fh ; Only want low nibble
or al,30h ; Assume 0-9
cmp al,39H ; Is it?
jbe short Skip ; Yes
add al,7 ; No, adjust for A-F
FPU_Status dw 0
Text_Title db 13,10,' TEST_CPU V1.0'
db 13,10,' Get Microprocessor Type'
db 13,10,'Copyright (c) Dan Wronski 1994',13,10,13,10,'$'
Text_Unknown db 'Could not recognize the microprocessor in this system.',13,10,'$'
Text_FPU db 'This system also has a numeric coprocessor.',13,10,'$'
Text_CPU_Start db 'This system has an Intel ',0
Text_8088 db '8088',0
Text_8086 db '8086',0
Text_80188 db '80188',0
Text_80186 db '80186',0
Text_80286 db '80286',0
Text_386DX db '386DX',0
Text_386SX db '386SX',0
Text_486DX db '486DX',0
Text_486SX db '486SX',0
Text_Old_End db ' or compatible microprocessor.',13,10,'$',0
Text_Intel db 'genuine ',0
Text_Clone db 'compatible ',0
Text_New_Type db 'microprocessor:',13,10,' family='
Text_Family db 'xh, model='
Text_Model db 'xh, stepping='
Text_Stepping db 'xh'
Text_Pentium db ' (Pentium)',0
Text_New_End db '.',13,10,'$',0
Text_Buffer db 250 dup (?) ; Max of three 80-byte lines
Main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax ; Set DS to our data segment
mov es,ax ; And ES also
cld ; Clear string direction
lea dx,Text_Title
mov ah,9 ; DOS print string function #
int 21h
; Check if the microprocessor is one of the "old" ones prior to Pentium
lea di,Text_Buffer ; Set up initial CPU string
lea si,Text_CPU_Start
call Copy_String
call Check_8086
jnz Print_Old ; Print if 8088/8086/80188/80186
call Check_80286
jnz Print_Old ; Print if 80286
call Check_80386
jnz Print_Old ; Print if 386DX or 386SX
call Check_80486
jnz Print_Old ; Print if 486DX or 486SX
; Now we have a "new" microprocessor that supports the CPUID instruction
call Check_Pentium
jnz Print_New ; Print if we know what it is
lea dx,Text_Unknown ; No match so tell user
mov ah,9 ; DOS print string function #
int 21h
jmp Print_FPU
call Copy_String ; Copy genuine/compatible text
lea si,Text_New_Type ; Copy cpu type to buffer
call Copy_String
lea si,Text_New_End ; Add ending to text string
call Copy_String
jmp Print_CPU
call Copy_String ; Copy cpu type to buffer
lea si,Text_Old_End ; Add ending to text string
call Copy_String
lea dx,Text_Buffer
mov ah,9 ; DOS print string function #
int 21h
call Check_Coprocessor ; Coprocessor in system?
jnz Done ; No, we are finish
lea dx,Text_FPU ; Yes, tell user
mov ah,9 ; DOS print string function #
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h ; DOS terminate function #
int 21h
Main endp
; Copy_String - Copy one source string to a target buffer. This routine
; requires the string direction flag updated via CLD, and
; the end-of-string character in the source string to be zero.
; Also this routine does no limit checking on string length.
; Inputs
; SI = Source string address
; DI = Target buffer address
; Outputs
; AX = Undefined
; SI = Undefined
; DI = Address of end-of-string character
Copy_String proc
lodsb ; Get next source character
stosb ; Store in target buffer
or al,al ; Reached end of string?
jnz Copy_String ; No, get next character
dec di ; Yes, point to end of string
Copy_String endp
; Check_Prefetch - Check to see if we can modify an instruction at a specific
; displacement after a jump. We can not modify displacement 0
; and we assume we can always modify after displacement 64.
; Inputs
; AX = instruction displacement (limited to 0 - 64)
; Outputs
; AX = 0 if could not modify instruction else undefined (ZF matches results)
Check_Prefetch proc
push es ; Save registers
push si
push di
push dx
push cx
push bx
mov dx,ax ; Save displacement
or ax,ax ; Zero displacement?
jz Finish_Test ; Yes, no need to test
cmp ax,64 ; Displacement too big?
ja Finish_Test ; Yes, no need to test
; We need to align the jump target address on a 16-byte boundary
mov ax,cs
mov es,ax ; Load ES with code segment
lea bx,cs:Test_Code ; Get initial target address
mov di,bx
mov cx,80
mov al,90h ; Keep code reusable by filling
rep stosb ; target area with nop's
add bx,15 ; Also ensure 4K page is loaded
and bx,0FFF0h ; Align target to 16-byte
mov di,bx
mov al,0AAh ; Get "stosb" instruction
stosb ; Place it at 0 displacement
dec di ; Restore 0 displacement offset
add di,dx ; Point to desired displacement
mov al,40h ; Get "inc ax" op-code to store
cli ; Disable interrupts
jmp bx ; Flush prefetch queue
db 80 dup (90h) ; string of "nop" instructions
sti ; Restore interrupts
cmp al,40h ; Modified instruction?
jne Finish_Test ; Yes
xor ax,ax ; No
pop bx ; Restore registers
pop cx
pop dx
pop di
pop si
pop es
or ax,ax ; Set SF to match results
Check_Prefetch endp
; Check_Coprocessor - Determine if a numeric coprocessor is in the system
; by trying to retrieve the hardware status.
; Inputs
; None
; Outputs
; AX = 0 if coprocessor exists else undefined (ZF matches results)
Check_Coprocessor proc
mov FPU_Status,0FFFFh ; Reset floating point status
fninit ; Reset floating point hardware
fnstsw FPU_Status ; Get floating point h/w status
mov ax,FPU_Status ; FPU_Status = 0 if h/w exists
or ax,ax ; Set ZF to match results
Check_Coprocessor endp
; Check_XXXXX - Determine if the CPU type is a specific microprocessor.
; If a match is found then load SI with the CPU text string,
; otherwise load zero into SI. ZF matches SI contents.
; Inputs
; None
; Outputs
; AX = Undefined
; SI = Address of CPU text string or zero (ZF matches results)
Check_8086 proc
push di ; Save registers
push cx
xor si,si ; Assume no match
; First test is whether we can reset the NT flag
pushf ; Save original flags
cli ; Disable interrupts
pushf ; Get current flags
pop ax
or ax,FLAG_NT_MASK ; Clear only NT flag
push ax
popf ; Update flags
pop ax ; Get "updated" flags
popf ; Restore original flags
; (and restore interrupts)
test ax,FLAG_NT_MASK ; Changed NT flag?
jz Finish_8086 ; Yes, not 8088/8086/80188/80186
lea si,Text_8088 ; No, assume we have an 8088
lea di,Text_8086 ; Second choice would be 8086
; Test whether it's an 8088/8086 or 80188/80186. The later will mask shift
; counts with 1Fh before shifting.
mov cl,21h ; Can't use 20h or ZF may
mov al,1 ; not get set correctly
shl al,cl ; Is it an 8088/8086?
jz Check_8_Bit_Bus ; Yes
lea si,Text_80188 ; No, assume we have an 80188
lea di,Text_80186 ; Second choice would be 80186
; Now we need to determine whether it's 8088/80188 (8-bit data bus) or
; 8086/80186 (16-bit data bus). Test whether the microprocessor has the
; 8-bit or 16-bit prefetcher unit by modifying an instruction after a jump.
mov ax,3 ; Modify displacment 3
call Check_Prefetch ; Did we modify instruction?
jnz Finish_8086 ; Yes, use first choice (8-bit)
mov si,di ; No, use second choice (16-bit)
pop cx ; Restore registers
pop di
or si,si ; Set ZF to match results
Check_8086 endp
Check_80286 proc
xor si,si ; Assume no match
; Test whether we can set the NT flag (always zero in Real Mode on 80286)
pushf ; Save original flags
cli ; Disable interrupts
pushf ; Get current flags
pop ax
or ax,FLAG_NT_MASK ; Set NT flag
push ax
popf ; Update flags
pop ax ; Get "updated" flags
popf ; Restore original flags
; (and restore interrupts)
test ax,FLAG_NT_MASK ; Changed NT flag?
jnz Finish_80286 ; Yes, not 80286
lea si,Text_80286 ; No, must be 80286
or si,si ; Set ZF to match results
Check_80286 endp
; From here to the end of this module is mixed 16-bit and 32-bit code
Check_80386 proc
xor si,si ; Assume no match
; Test whether we can set the AC flag (always zero on 80386), but we need
; to make sure the stack is properly aligned to avoid an exception on
; 80486 or higher microprocessor.
push bp ; Save register
mov bp,sp ; Save current stack pointer
and sp,0FFFCh ; Align stack to 32-bit
push eax ; Save 32-bit register
pushfd ; Save original 32-bit flags
cli ; Disable interrupts
pushfd ; Get current flags
pop eax
or eax,FLAG_AC_MASK ; Set AC flag
push eax
popfd ; Update flags
pop eax ; Get "updated" flags
popfd ; Restore original 32-bit flags
; (and restore interrupts)
test eax,FLAG_AC_MASK ; AC flag still set?
jnz short Finish_80386 ; Yes, not an 80386
; Now we need to determine whether it's 386SX (16-bit data bus) or
; 386DX (32-bit data bus). It is possible the system could have a
; 16-bit data bus and still have an 386DX (it supports a 16-bit data bus)
; but it's very unlikely because the system performance would be slightly
; worse than having a 386SX. So test whether the microprocessor has the
; 16-bit or 32-bit prefetcher unit by modifying an instruction after a jump.
lea si,Text_386DX ; Assume 386DX
mov ax,11 ; Modify displacment 11
call Check_Prefetch ; Did we modify instruction?
jz short Finish_80386 ; No, must have 32-bit bus
lea si,Text_386SX ; Yes, has to be 386SX
; (or might as well be)
pop eax ; Restore 32-bit register
mov sp,bp ; Restore stack pointer
pop bp ; Restore register
or si,si ; Set ZF to match results
Check_80386 endp
Check_80486 proc
xor si,si ; Assume no match
; Make sure the stack is aligned to a 32-bit boundary
push bp ; Save register
mov bp,sp ; Save current stack pointer
and sp,0FFFCh ; Align stack to 32-bit
push ebx ; Save 32-bit registers
push eax
; Test whether the CPUID instruction is supported on this microprocessor by
; toggling the ID flag.
pushfd ; Save original 32-bit flags
cli ; Disable interrupts
pushfd ; Get current flags
pop eax
mov ebx,eax
and ebx,FLAG_ID_MASK ; Save ID flag
xor eax,FLAG_ID_MASK ; Toggle ID flag
push eax
popfd ; Update flags
pop eax ; Get "updated" flags
popfd ; Restore original 32-bit flags
; (and restore interrupts)
and eax,FLAG_ID_MASK ; Only want ID flag
cmp eax,ebx ; ID flag changed?
jne short Finish_80486 ; Yes, not an 80486
; The only difference between a 486DX and 486SX is whether the numeric
; coprocessor unit is present inside the chip. (The 486SX doesn't have one.)
; So if there is no coprocessor present it has to be a 486SX. But if one
; is present then it could be a 486SX with 487SX or a 486DX. Since installing
; a 487SX disables the 486SX, for all practical purposes a 487SX is a
; 486DX and will therefore be reported as a 486DX.
lea si,Text_486SX ; Assume 486SX
call Check_Coprocessor ; Coprocessor in system?
jnz short Finish_80486 ; No, has to be 486SX
lea si,Text_486DX ; Yes, treat as a 486DX
pop eax ; Restore 32-bit registers
pop ebx
mov sp,bp ; Restore stack pointer
pop bp ; Restore register
or si,si ; Set ZF to match results
Check_80486 endp
Check_Pentium proc
xor si,si ; Assume no match
; Make sure the stack is aligned to a 32-bit boundary
push bp ; Save register
mov bp,sp ; Save current stack pointer
and sp,0FFFCh ; Align stack to 32-bit
push edx ; Save 32-bit registers
push ecx
push ebx
push eax
; First determine whether we can get the family, model, and stepping level ID
xor eax,eax ; Get ID string
cmp eax,1 ; Can we get the ID?
jb short Finish_Pentium ; No, treat as unknown
; Check whether this is a "genuine" Intel microprocessor.
lea si,Text_Clone ; Assume not genuine Intel
cmp ebx,756E6547h ; 1st part match Intel ID?
jne short Check_Family ; No
cmp edx,49656E69h ; 2nd part match Intel ID?
jne short Check_Family ; No
cmp ecx,6C65746Eh ; 3rd part match Intel ID?
jne short Check_Family ; No
lea si,Text_Intel ; Yes, have the genuine part
; Get microprocessor family, model, and stepping level ID
mov eax,1 ; Get family, model, stepping ID
mov bx,ax ; Save family, model, stepping ID
Convert_Hex ; Make stepping ID printable
mov Text_Stepping,al ; Place it in text
mov al,bl
shr al,4 ; Get model ID
Convert_Hex ; Make it printable
mov Text_Model,al ; Place it in text
mov al,bh ; Get family ID
Convert_Hex ; Make it printable
mov Text_Family,al ; Place it in text
mov Text_Pentium,' ' ; Make code reuseable
cmp al,'5' ; Is it a Pentium?
je short Finish_Pentium ; Yes, we are finish
mov Text_Pentium,0 ; No, leave out Pentium text
pop eax ; Restore 32-bit registers
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
mov sp,bp ; Restore stack pointer
pop bp ; Restore register
or si,si ; Set ZF to match results
Check_Pentium endp
end Main